There are certain big myths and facts that one should know about chocolates. We share our knowledge of two here and hope to keep you updated with all the myths and facts of the chocolate world. Enjoy reading and be amazed, of course! MYTH # 1 Eating Chocolate makes me fat I am watching my weight, so I cannot eat chocolate I am on a diet, and I cannot eat chocolate! FACT # 1 While weagree that most generic and commercially made chocolate has a lot of sugar- commercial milk chocolate has atleast 50% sugar in a bar- werecommend a small 10 gm piece of JusTrufs Artisanal 72% dark chocolate with Palm Sugar and above, every day.Palm sugar is a very healthy sugar with high mineral content.A small piece of dark chocolate reduces sugar cravings for the day; it's low sugar content means you won'tfeel like eating large amounts of dark chocolate. So you get your chocolate fix, without high sugar levels! MYTH # 2 Indian Chocolate is not of great quality. I like to buy my chocolates abroad. FACT # 2 Regular commercial chocolate has been sitting on the retail shelf for possibly a year or more, and is made from cocoa beans grown a few years before that, so you do not taste the freshness of the cocoa.JusTrufs Artisanal Chocolate is made freshm from freshly ground Cocoa beans, so you are eating a chocolate rich inantioxidants, flavonoids, and polyphenols - all intact. Cocoa butter is a healthy fat, and we use all the cocoa butter naturally present in the fresh bean, in ourchocolate. Commercial chocolate removes part of the cocoa butter, and sometimes replacesit with unhealthy hydrogenated fat, Other brands do add some amount of cocoa butter, back into the recipe but the rest is emulsifiers and soy lecithin.Ours is free from emulsifiers and soy lecitihin.So you win on freshness, you encourage our local farmers, your carbon footprint is reduced and best of all , all the nutrients are fresh and intact.