Urban Folk Project is a young collective started by Shilpa Mudbi Kothakota and Adithya Kothakota. UFP is working towards the collection of intangible culture across Karnataka and exhibiting it in acontemporary context. This involves field research, documentation and curation of the content, among many other things. Shilpa Mudbi Kothakota with the help of a chorus of singers tells the storiescollected and compiled by the collective. The narrative will reveal the story of Princess Renuka who becomes goddess Yellamma after going through testing times through her life. The story isinterspersed with songs from different regions within the state. Also built into the narrative, are the stories of the remaining few folk practitioners of related forms who now serve as our mentors. Thesingers are not permanent members of the band, but collaborators who have chosen to learn these songs and instruments to help their artistic sensibilities and better understand their collective histories. This performance is an initiative to raise funds to continue our work.